Anchor for My Soul: 365 Daily Devotions of Hope and Encouragement



If you have ever been out boating, you know the importance of an anchor. Whether you’re fishing or hanging out with friends, when you find a good spot, it’s impossible to stay there without an anchor. An anchor stops you from being blown around at the mercy of the ocean.
Jesus is an anchor for your soul. When you find yourself drifting aimlessly in a sea of doubt, he secures you in the certainty of his truth. If you’re rocked by unforgiveness, he can lead you to the quiet waters of love and grace. If bitterness and hurt overflow, let Jesus secure your heart in a bay of healing waters and remove the weeds from your hull.

As you meditate on these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, may your heart find confidence in the one who holds you steady. The anchor of your soul will keep you from drifting with the shifting tides and winds. When storms come, place your security in the King of heaven and earth. He is faithful, and he will not fail you. Remain firmly planted in his love and peace. He will not let you go.

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